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Drumming services include
drum circles in the workplace,
applications in the sports of
drumming and
teambuilding, and drumming for health & wellness.
All drum events are done at the clients place of business or designated location. Stephen is
also available for speaking and Stephen provides hydrocephalus monitoring consults based on his DiaCeph mHealth Test for hydrocephalus. On these pages, you will also find information on hydrocephalus and FREE forms & instructions to undertake your own monitoring. He also features lots of hydrocephalus and neurosciences discussion topics on his DolleCommunications blog.
For Stephen personally, it's now been 25 years of neurosciences adventures following his 1992 auto accident that led to his co-directing his last 9 brain shunt surgeries with his DiaCeph Test. Today, he enjoys speaking on his efforts and discoveries over these years. Here he is below on a June 2017 television program in Laguna Woods, CA.
Below are a few of our top neuroscience blogs on mHealth, hydrocephalus, drumming, and sensory processing disorder (SPD).
Drumming (drum circles for the brain)
Contact us in California (Pacific Standard Time) at contact[at]DolleCommunications[dot]com |